Commitment System

We believe successful operations are driven by people that make commitments to each other and then deliver on them.

A Commitment System helps people from multiple departments on an operation to connect and collaborate while they develop a frontline work plan that all people on site can commit to.

Integrated mine planning software -Commitment System

Why use a commitment system?

Operations that use commitment systems benefit because teams are able to trust in a comprehensive plan. Commitment systems:

  • enhance production
  • reduce costs
  • improve workplace safety
  • deliver world-class financial results.

How can a commitment system be implemented?

Many operations currently use a management operating system (MOS) or wiring system that is made up of spreadsheets, whiteboards and paper based tools. These “systems” have proven to be expensive, slow to implement and hard to sustain.

We have been converting the MOS and wiring tools used by sites around the world into effective commitment systems for more than 9 years now. Recently we have been able to do this for sites in a matter of weeks, quickly getting adoption and helping the team to achieve significant improvements in their results by making it possible for them to;

  • make reasonable commitments to each other
  • communicate commitments visibly across the site
  • see when commitments are fulfilled.
Management Operating system

Download our case studies and white papers

Case Study – Rio Tinto’s Kestrel Mine: Increase in Production
Case Study – Gold Mine Turnaround: Increase in Gold Production
White Paper – Influencing Behaviour Change: Why a Software-driven Planning System Beats Spreadsheets
White Paper – Planned Work Is Safe Work: Eliminating Risks In Mining Operations