I just came across this great post on the Anglo American web page about Fewzion and how it’s being used at Moranbah North in their program to improve productivity. Actually, to be fair they don’t mention Fewzion per se, but the image is absolutely of our system in action…
Moranbah North, our metallurgical coal mine situated in Australia’s Bowen Basin, is an early adopter of the business process changes we are currently driving across the Group.
With operational issues adversely impacting longwall cutting hours and, consequently, production, management implemented a number of processes to address underperformance. The result was that cutting hours increased from 57 hours per week in 2008 to an average of over 85 hours per week in 2013, and it continues to improve in 2014.
Critical to turning around production was the careful planning of work schedules, ensuring every mine employee knew what work was required of them and that they were accountable for delivering to plan. Process improvements at Moranbah North are now being replicated at Metallurgical Coal’s Grasstree mine.”

Fewzion – End of Shift Actuals Screens
Words of support from smart people (who like what we are doing)
See here how Fewzion helped Moranbah North to be named Australian Coal Mine of the Year in 2015